Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Article Marketing
This type of online marketing is one of the least expensive or generally free method of marketing your service or product online. In case you are on a tight budget or just love writing then marketing through articles requires nothing more than just a few hours of writing informative articles about your business. This type of marketing has been around for several years and a number of services have come up to help in promoting your website using this technique. Moreover there are also article directories where you can post them to which can even show you how your article is performing.
Essentially, article marketing is an excellent way to advertise and get targeted traffic to your site or online business. However make sure you keep this type of marketing within reasons as overdoing with submissions or just spamming the directories it would result in dismissal of your content or the directories might even ban you from using the services. You should also ensure that your articles provide a genuine solution to a real issue along with a strong solution in helping your customers understand your business niche market. This is just one way this type of online marketing would work for your online business. You should remember that there are several other businesses trying to attract the same audience like you and so it is up to you to offer that audience an ultimate solution to visit your internet business solutions.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Internet Marketing- selling your business creatively
When it comes to internet marketing you can depend on lots of models, applications, techniques and strategies. Online market out there is competitive and you need to be in touch with latest strategies to get your business on top through internet marketing. After mastering the basics of online marketing you need to go ahead with the advanced features and tactics that can be used. Basic internet marketing is designing your business website and advertising it. What next? Once you are ready with your business site, niche and the product, you need to market the business online, definitely with effective tools.
It will be handy if you utilize different strategies from all available ones like:
• Link building
• Article marketing
• Social media marketing
• Blogging
• Video posting
• Social media sites
• Pay per click services
• Viral networks
• Mentoring
• Webinars
• Mailers
• Giveaways
• Newsletters
• Online Press Release
Internet marketing doesn’t end here though! You can try out the SEO and link building techniques to increase the online traffic towards your site. Businesses willing to spread their business sooner at online sources need to link their websites with social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn and many others. Selling your business creatively can be done through internet marketing with cost effective ways. You got to be a real player while selecting an application of internet marketing and link it perfectly for your business promotion.
Viral Marketing- What’s the best part of it?
In simple words, businesses connect to customers with the help of different viral marketing techniques. It’s something like free advertising of your services and business in less time. You can aim at millions of people at a time and connect them to portray your business basics. Email services and article posting are a part of viral marketing. With mailers you can send details of your services to customers, about million emails per week. Its interesting, isn’t it? Your huge target customers can be reached just via an email.
Viral marketing has gained lots of acceptance these days through article submission and blogs. Article posting is another very successful strategy that is used by thousands of businesses. What you write about your business can reach to thousands of customers at a time at online sources through viral blogs and articles. Simply publish a set of articles and receive maximum traffic for your site.
Use of social networking sites or newsletters and PR are some of the popular viral marketing techniques. With newsletters you can build site content while through social networking sites you get the best chance to promote your business in a creative way. Podcasts and some whitepapers are other successful strategies to pass your business information. You can create a win-win atmosphere with viral marketing and grab the attention of all visitors into online sales activities.
Viral marketing will let you plan for success and growth of your business in quick time. Just imagining ‘Increase in Sales’ will never increase it. You need to practically do something for it. Try Viral Marketing!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Company in India.
There are some factors web site owners should be aware of while on a lookout for an ethical Search Engine Optimization Company.
Watch out for those mails: You may often receive those mails in your inbox that promise you high search engine ranking in a day’s time. Well, this is something similar to reaching moon in a day. So, do not be fooled by such Companies that offer fake search engine positioning. These mails are often sent by companies that look to make quick money by showing fake ways of getting top search engine rankings.
Guaranteeing top search engine rankings: There are millions of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Companies that promise you number one search engine ranking on search engines like Google, MSN, Yahoo and others. However, you have to actually beware of such Companies, as there can be no guarantee but only a committed and sincere effort to achieve it, and we at SEO Professional India aspire to achieve the best possible search engine positioning services for our clients.
Understanding the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (SEO) process: Every Search Engine Optimization (SEO) assignment has a definite process to enhancing your search engine positioning. As a customer you need to be aware of the various methods and techniques that the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Company would be following to ensure that you get a good search engine position. An ethical Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Company would make the whole Search Engine Optimization (SEO) process transparent and give you details of the process. An unethical Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Company, on the other hand, would not like to disclose such facts.
Do not go for “link popularity” schemes: Link popularity is often a futile exercise that does little to enhance your web site’s search engine positioning. Beware of such unrealistic promises.
An Ethical Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Company would provide you with a definite process and promises that seem realistic. SEO Professional India is an ethical Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Company that realistically provides a high search engine position.
SEO Professional India is a leading Search Engine Marketing Company in India. We provide best search engine optimization services including E-mail Marketing, Viral Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Link Building, PPC Management, Online Marketing Services at affordable budget.
Article Source : http://free-pressrelease-distribution.com/seo-india-ethical-search-engine-optimization-company-india-seo-services-india-2714736.html
Friday, July 30, 2010
Web marketing guru, Bruce Clay to hold first SEO training seminar in India
Bruce Clay has been delivering SEO training for over eight years with courses now held in USA, Italy, Japan, South Africa & Australia.
The 3 day Bruce Clay SEO Training Program shows you how to improve rankings of your website in search engines and increase traffic to your website. This program is effectively designed for Online Marketers & Advertisers, Entrepreneurs, New Media Consultants, Webmasters, IT Managers, In-House SEO Analysts, and people working with Search Engines or within the Search Engine Optimization and Marketing Industries. The Training Program is based on over 10 years of search engine research and covers SEO basics to advanced concepts and methodologies.
Bruce Clay, founder, Bruce Clay, Inc. says, “The SEO Training Program provides a corporate with effective Internet Marketing strategies. It will provide information on how a corporate website can become the ‘Window of Growth,’ by being well recognized by search engines. Bruce Clay Services have worked closely with the best global companies to achieve top search engine rankings. India is now one of the most important global markets since Internet usage is increasing at a fast pace.”
The new 2010 SEO Training Program includes emerging trends & useful strategies for Social Media. It covers popular topics like getting high rankings in search engines, increasing click through rates from searches, analyzing your & your competitors’ websites using our proprietary SEO Tools.
Siddharth Lal, Managing Director, Bruce Clay India says, “We are glad to have Internet Marketing Guru, Bruce Clay, in India to conduct his unique SEO Training Programme. His sessions will be an eye opener on how SEO can effectively work like a catalyst in growing an organization within any industry leveraging the power of the Internet. ”
Article Source : http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/infotech/internet/Web-marketing-guru-Bruce-Clay-to-hold-first-SEO-training-seminar-in-India/articleshow/6223909.cms
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
7 Tips to Writing a Blog Post That's Scannable
1. Pay Attention to Titles
The first thing your visitors will notice are your blog post titles. While it's great to use clever titles sometimes, make sure you have enough clear and concise titles, so visitors don't have to search very far to know what your blog posts are about. Also, remember that search engines weigh your blog post titles heavier than the content of each post, so take some time to consider search engine optimization when you name your blog posts.
2. Use Headings
Using the "heading" formatting options in your blog post editor not only makes your content scannable because it breaks it into smaller pieces with clear headlines for each section, but search engines also weigh text published using a "heading" format heavier than non-formatted text. Make your headings relevant, clear and search engine friendly.
3. Make Lists
Bulleted and numbered lists work equally well in turning text that could be published as long paragraphs into easily scannable content. Use lists whenever you can to break up long blocks of text.
4. Use Bold and Italicize - But Not Too Much
Bold and italics work very well to draw attention to specific text within your blog posts, but when they're overused, they become useless. Instead of drawing attention to the most important parts of your post, they make your post cluttered and more difficult to read.
5. Go Easy on the Links
Links can be very helpful in directing your readers to more information. They're also helpful in search engine optimization because search engines weigh linked text higher than non-linked text. However, too many links can have a negative effect on the readability of your blog just as too much bold or italics can. Use links but don't overuse them.
6. Use Images
Images are a great way to break up a text heavy blog post. They can help to draw attention to a specific post, add color to your blog, and help with search engine optimization. Don't use too many images though, or your posts get cluttered and your text gets harder to read rather than easier. Also, make sure you only use images that you have permission to publish on your blog. There are many websites that offer free photos to use on your blog. Take some time to learn about copyright and fair use laws before you publish images in your blog posts.
7. Write Short Paragraphs
Blog posts are easiest to scan and read when paragraphs are short. In fact, one or two sentence paragraphs are perfectly acceptable and usually welcomed by blog visitors. Short paragraphs add white space and visual relief to text-heavy blog posts. Remember to keep your paragraphs short.
Article Source: http://weblogs.about.com/od/writingablog/tp/ScannableBlogPostTips.htm
Importance of Content Writing for Website: - Get effortlessly information on net
Today, in the online market, SEO copywriters (Search Engine optimization) are in great demand. These copywriters are experts in the filed of developing content which are not only informative but search engine friendly also. SEO requires techniques such as keyword optimization, use of Meta titles, Meta descriptions, building inward links, etc. If you are interested to make your own online presence or want to establish site up then you need to have an effective search engine optimization. For searching anything from the internet, users have to click on few links. These links are linked with other links. If you want that your links should be among those links then you need to have an effective SEO and its efficiency will enhance your customers list and give you a good web presence too.
Today, content writing has become more popular and famous among the UK citizens. It is called the lifeline of the website and the failure or success of any content depends upon its effectiveness and efficiency. Due to increasing popularity of articles, now companies are hiring the professional content writers to develop contents which are fresh, informative and user friendly. It is the main condition that the contents should be relevant otherwise it will lost its effectiveness and important and it will not satisfy their readers.
A large number of websites are available on the internet and a rigid competition is noticed among them. The contents should be accurate and to the point. If the users will not find the appropriate content then they will immediately going to switch away from that website to a competitors website. Maintaining image and status in the market is must, so write ups should be effective and apt.
Lastly, you should write relevant and informative contents for the website. Before writing the content, you should have full knowledge and information about the topic or article. Always write short or small sentences on any topic that you want to publish on the website. These are the few tips that can promote your business through the website proficiently with article writing.
Article Source : http://www.marketpressrelease.com/Importance-of-Content-Writing-for-Website--Get-effortlessly-information-on-net-1279346346.html
Monday, July 26, 2010
Internal and external linking
Tips for attractive link building
Get on with link building and ask your partners and friends to link back on your sites. What if you wish to promote your business articles and plan to write blogs for the same? Will it work if your blogs are not linked back to readers? It won’t! Number of external links to your blogging page will decide its popularity. But on the other hand you are missing something if you try to avoid the internal links. Pay attention to both links and receive higher SEO benefits. But then how to receive maximum traffic back to your personal business site? Where links are supposed to be lifeblood of web it won’t work if they are not fresh. Yes fresh links always give your site the authority to stay on top in search engine rankings. Posting forums and blogs can help increase your links.
Blogs with perfect keywords and content are a start for good link building for your sites. Relevant links from credible sources make it easy for others to reach to your blog posts and even forums. If you enroll and get listed on some other blogger’s blog roll, your links can be effectively submitted. It’s of no use if the blog URL is not listed in profiles. You need to be smart to thank all people when they link back to you. Latest trends in link building suggest that you need to give higher importance on links that bring together maximum traffic and increase your SEO rankings. Do you know that e-mailed links are effectively used these days? Yes, emailed link requests are not dead! If emailed link requests and online banner ads are well planned, these will do wonders for your traffic generation procedure.
Have you tried forum posting for building great links for your site? A one direction quality link can be created for your website through forum posting or signature posting. Forum postings with direct links can help increase website traffic. With forum posting you can have theme based postings, more number of anchors, and lot more. Yes but what about the spam that may get connected along with link building? In order to successfully avoid spam you need to mask the email address in forums, blogs, newsgroups, chats and others and set up some throwaway addresses.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Viral marketing tips
The simplest way to explain viral marketing is to think in terms of mainstream networking. Your contacts know about you and your site and you hope to that they pass that information on to someone else. But hoping is not a good way to approach web marketing, you need to be pro-active in promotion.
By implementing viral marketing strategies, you provide an incentive for web site visitors to carry a sales message. This incentive is usually a free "carrier" tool for that marketing message or a means by which it is easier for people to spread the word about your products and services. The idea is not to push your visitors into delivering your sales message to others, but as a side effect of them gaining benefit from a utility or service that you offer.
Article Source : http://www.tamingthebeast.net/articles/viralmarketing.htm
Thursday, July 22, 2010
SEO Content Writer Announces New Article Service
"Many business owners don't have time to write or they don't like to write. If a business owner doesn't invest in learning how to write or hiring someone to write for them, a lot of leads and profits can be lost." Says Nina Lewis, President of Nina Online! A SEO Copywriting & Online Marketing Firm.
Nina Online! offers two types of article services they feel every web owner should have. First Base and Home Base Articles.
"First Base Articles are a popular choice by many business owners. They are usually 300-500(words) keyword rich articles. They are good for lead generation, posting to blogs, or posting to article directories", explains Lewis.
Lewis Continues by saying:
" Once businesses invest in " First Base"articles, they notice the amount of traffic they are getting to their website, and they realize that they need more content for their website as well. That's why we also have Home Base articles, which is more in-depth and exclusive website content.
Home base articles are usually 500-1500 words, and may require research and some technical jargon. By investing in both type of articles, business owners will discover:
- Increase in traffic
-Increase in leads and sales
- Brand Recognition
-Being Positioned as an expert
Nina Online! is located in Las Vegas, Nevada , however, they can work with clients virtually around the world. Nina Lewis, President of Nina Online is the head SEO Content writer and writes 95% of content for her clients.
Article Source : http://www.onlineprnews.com/news/48163-1279747295-seo-content-writer-announces-new-article-service.html
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Website Content Writing Tips
* shorter sentences, words and paragraphs
* one idea per paragraph
* concise text - half the word count (or less) than writing for print
* the inverted pyramid style, putting the most important point or the conclusion first.
* simple words
* objective language to build credibility, rather than exaggerated claims or overly promotional words like "great", "tremendous" etc.
* bulleted lists
* highlighted text (bold or color, also hyperlinked text) for scannability
* meaningful headlines and subheads, avoiding cute or clever lines
Write better web content.
Understand how people (don't) read on the Web
1. Reading on the web is too much work!
Reading from a computer screen tires the eyes. People read 25% more slowly on the web than they read print material.
That's why, web content has to be 50% shorter than print.
2. Readers on the Web scan text
According to a study by usability expert Jacob Nielson, 79% of readers on the Web tend to scan or skim text rather than read word for word.
Highlighted text (bold or color, also hyperlinked text) and bulleted lists aid scannability.
3. Readers on the Web are impatient
Readers on the Web are in a hurry to get the information they want, and move on.
They don't have the patience for obscure and complex text. They don't enjoy scrolling through masses of text either.
Since there are millions of alternative websites in cyberspace, they will quickly move to another site if they don't enjoy the information gathering experience on your site.
Attracting attention and retaining reader interest is a challenge, specially as you have just
* 10 seconds to grab attention with your web site content
* 55 seconds to develop an understanding of your company or product
To combat reader fatigue, make it easy for your Web users to get relevant information. Put the most important information at the top. Use clear and concise text.
4. Readers on the Web are skeptical
Credibility is a major factor in retaining reader interest on the Web.
Use objective language, write meaningful headlines and subheads and avoid marketing jargon or exaggerated claims to build credibility. Cute or clever lines could mean that the reader takes longer to get to the main point.
Hyperlinks to the sources of your information or to related information also add to credibility.
5. Readers avoid information overload
In an average workday, people suffer from information overload . They already have a large number of emails in their inbox to contend with, and several documents to read.
They don't want to spend time and effort reading content that they may not find useful.
Offer your readers information in bite-size chunks which are easily digestible. Use short sentences, short paragraphs, one idea per paragraph.
Use meaningful headlines and sub-headlines which help them nail the information they want, quickly and easily.
Article Source : http://www.entheosweb.com/content_writing/tips.asp
Friday, July 9, 2010
Web Content Writing India
Now what’s so special about web content writing and why it has become a need of professional businesses? Web content writing is to be implemented and used by businesses willing to always stay ahead of the competitors. Web Content Writing India is helping businesses and clients from around the globe to generate perfect content that is required for creating powerful, effective, meaningful and engaging business site. Professional content writers or Web Content Writing India professionals can generate perfect set of content that is required for your business sites.
Web content writers in India are well knowledgeable and write better contents by understanding the needs of any particular client and people. Web content writing companies in India are specialized to understand how exactly people approach any text present online and how exactly they read the website content. They consider all points like:
• Reading online is too much of work
• Readers usually scan and read
• All readers are important
• Readers are cynical
• Readers try to avoid overload of data
• Readers online grab things that attract them easily
Web Content Writing India is helping the online businesses to grow faster by tracking online traffic through professional content. Website content writing services helps in article writing, SEO content writing, Blog writing, press release, policies, procedures, proposals, bulk content writing, content editing and everything. Highly talented content writers from Website Content Writing India implements keyword effective contents and thereby help attract maximum clients online. Content writing services in India are offering a perfect helping hand and platform for new businesses to boost up the business in less than expected time. This will let you earn an extra mileage on all major search engines.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Social media marketing and SEO: How to achieve success on a shoestring
Businesses are always under pressure to do more for less, to reduce cost per sale, ultimately to protect sales margins. Ironically, this period of downturn has also been mirrored by the exponential rise of social media which has opened up a raft of new opportunities for marketers to engage with their stakeholders. So, how can marketing managers first tune-up their websites ready for social media and the benefits for search engine optimisation (SEO) and also take full advantage of opportunities from ‘free’ social media without burning through their time and budget?
Before you dive in on Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook, there are some foundations you need to put in place first to get ready for social media and that means looking at your website. Your website is your shop window on the web, the place you want your social media traffic to go. Directing visitors back to your website is where you can capitalise on sales leads (or sales if you have an ecommerce site) and also benefit from 'organic' SEO.
Like any good marketing activity, planning is essential. Your strategy for your website and your social media activity has to tie in and support your overall business strategy. Is your targeting correct – if you are unsure, this is the time to use tools such as brainstorming or mind-mapping to research and evaluate the audiences you need to reach.
Organic SEO means letting the strength of your web site content, news flows, in bound links (links from other websites) and social media activity help drive up your website hits, search results and rankings, rather than spending more money with SEO agencies or Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns. Companies spend a great deal of money with SEO specialists to help inch up the search engine page rankings, but we now know that the best way to do this is by using relevant, researched, keyword rich content. Your SEO agency and social media efforts need to be intertwined. If your SEO agency has not mentioned anything about social media you need to ask why. With a concerted campaign to push organic SEO, your SEO and PPC spend should ease; at the very least you will arrest its rise.
Search engine friendly
First base for your website is having a site that is search engine friendly such as a content management system (CMS) that makes your site open for quick and easy consumption by search engines such as Google. If Google cannot easily read your site, then you are not being indexed by Google which means you are not even on the radar. This does not mean an expensive upgrade. Open source CMS’ such as Wordpress or Joomla are ideal. They can easily incorporate all your social media tools such as blogs, RSS feeds, Twitter feeds, bookmarking and so on. Including a simple site map of your web site, with a ‘sitemap.xml’ file provides an instant index for search engines to use to crawl through your website.
Steer clear of overusing Java-based scripts and Macromedia Flash graphics especially for the front pages of your website, as the search engines cannot read it as they would have to run the application first. Sites can be optimised for SEO by ensuring keyword-rich text is included extensively into web page content. Registering for free website directories such as The Open Directory is another 'must-do' on your SEO task list.
Article Source : http://www.mycustomer.com/topic/marketing/social-media-marketing-and-seo-how-have-success-shoestring/109868
Monday, July 5, 2010
Social Media Marketing... The Challenge of Herding Cats
Ask the folks who have been doing it for years - customer/tech support - it’s a lot like the EDS herding cats commercial.
According to Digital Brand Expressions, less than 41 percent of companies have a cohesive, strategic social media plan. Fewer yet have policies/protocols for handling/managing the activity.
So anyone who can swing onto the keyboard/touchpad saddle declares that he/she is a social media expert. They’re not really a herd of cats. They’re a collection of individual cats. And as any cat lover knows [we’re not one of them], cats are independent thinkers/players.
They can do what you want or they can turn on you in the flick of an eyelash; and gawd, are those claws sharp! Social media is where people got together to:
* share advice/assistance with people of like interests
* talk to each other about their experiences in using products/services
* chat, carry on, whatever
* discuss common interests:
* photography/scrapbooking
* playing games
* raising kids, family issues
* boss/employee problems/solutions
As PC/CE/communications products/services got more complex and converged, they became indispensible. It has also become more difficult to separate fact from fiction, hype from reality, blind love/lust from true satisfaction.
For producers, providers, the challenge is to:
* reach, educate, influence, persuade prospects
* efficiently/effectively provide product/service application/support information
* produce happy customers who influence other prospects
* keep customers/prospects involved in the company, its products/services
* encourage favorable reviews, testimonials
* obtain application/market inputs, proactive product/service improvement ideas
* quickly, effectively solve customer/product issues to retain proactive customers
* build a solid backlog of customer loyalty/goodwill for the dark days
And they must do all this efficiently, cost-effectively.
The Web’s social media watering holes have made it possible for people to get more purchasing assistance beyond their own reading and the geek next door.
Suddenly, guidance, assistance - more than you ever wanted to know is only a few clicks away.
Growing Choices
Technology Priorities according to poll by Internet Retailer
The world of social media just keeps expanding, enabling people to connect with their online communities. They are also prime opportunities for companies, products, staff members to connect with customers and prospects/suspects.
Information, recommendations - good, bad and ugly - are everywhere. Right now, hundreds of millions of consumers worldwide are using social networks, blogs, microblogs, online forums and video-sharing sites.
The growth and influence of social media over product reputations/purchases hasn’t escaped the watchful eyes of corporate, marketing and communications management. But a Digital Brand Expressions worldwide survey showed that 50 percent plus of the firms - large and small - didn’t have a defined social media strategy.
"Everyone" wants to have authority over social media efforts. Marketing, PR, sales, HR, customer relations, IT all have their ideas on how they will manage the social media activities. But few want to be responsible/accountable!
Independent Assistance
Online Purchase Process
Good and bad recommendations, ideas, assistance is available on the Web to help people choose just the right product/service, use it and when necessary get real user and "expert" advice/assistance.
Marketing Objectives for Targeting Social Media
Social communities provide plenty of opportunities for marketing organizations to learn more about customers, find out what products/features they want next and strengthen relationships with customers and partners.
The challenge is that there are probably three billion people online, and believe it or not - more than three million social media options:
* blogs
* micro-blogs [Twitter, Yammer]
* Wikis
* Public consumer Nets [Facebook, MySpace]
* Private social net tools [Lithium, Mzinga]
* Public news, information, fun sites [DigitalMediaNet, YouTube, CNet, etc]
* Consumer websites [AllBabelTech, JocGeek, BitYard, more]
There really aren’t any best practices or established business models for social media activities, so companies just need to get some experience - and quickly.
Most of the social media landscape is of little or no interest to producers/providers unless we address the "One-to-One-to-Many" Principle, as IDC illustrated in the image below:
The One-to-One-to-Many Principle by IDCSocial media enables experienced professionals to build sound relationships with individual customers who spread the word to their contacts.
This grassroots network will also spread negative information about companies, products, services just as rapidly…if not more rapidly.
And since it’s been labeled media, it’s only logical to give the task to the kids who went to school for that sorta’ stuff. That’s okay, as long as things go smoothly.
However, if lightning can spook a herd of cattle [or cats], negative comments about companies, policies/programs, products/services can hit just as quickly and with more devastating effects. It costs time and money to win back customers and many never return.
But… one social media complaint lightning bolt can cause a stampede. That’s why it’s important to be proactive in the social media arena.
Busy Landscape
Sea of servicesWhile every company agrees they have to be involved in the social media landscape, most firms don’t have organization-wide policies and programs on what can/should be done by staff members, how the efforts will be monitored/measured and who is responsible for the social media activities.
Social media includes everything the company does in reaching out, touching, working with people in the firm’s many/varied publics.
The company’s product information and support Web site areas are good - albeit less glamorous - places to start.
Until recently the information was provided with words and diagrams but as people go online to watch videos, progressive companies have been able to add content to their Web sites.
Here is where consumers visit to:
* discover products, services
* refine choices
* decide on a product, service
* gain assurance, inspiration
* execute, find where to purchase
* get support, answers
Online Video Viewers as a Percent of Internet Users
The number of people who turn to their computer or smartphone for their video content is growing rapidly. Online and on-the-go video includes news, information, entertainment, education and business.
Short videos - product demonstrations, applications, installation, troubleshooting, technical discussions - are finally being added.
In addition, they’ve gone viral and are being used by channel partners, linked by blogs and other social media sites and shared by viewers everywhere.
Methods for Sharing Online Video Companies are finding that their corporate videos - product discussion, use, problem solving - can go viral across the iNet as quickly as the latest video joke.
Community members are finding it is faster, easier and more reliable to send or distribute a complete video or link to others in their group.
New compact cameras like the Flip can be used to produce real-people mini-stories quickly, easily, economically. Products like muvee’s Reveal 8 do most of the work automatically.
For departments on a tight budget, low-cost cameras, simple business environment locations, homegrown talent and automated video production software can be used to produce interesting, informative product/service videos that can be uploaded to the company’s Website and social media locations. The key is to tell the story quickly, effectively… then stop.
Interesting, informational, short videos - even with minor mistakes -- are more believable than polished ads. The software helps you explain products, develop SEO [search engine optimization] links and visually assist customers in efficiently, effectively using your products/services.
Using staff members taking viewers through the product/service story not only adds credibility, it encourages people to share the videos and links with others. Viral videos not only quickly tell the product, application story, they also reduce customer frustrations when they’re trying to explain their problem on the phone or online.
They are also finding their way into interest area blogs where authorities want to highlight a solution or respond to an application/support question. Since the digital environment is changing rapidly, there are no "best practice" social media models you can follow.
But you do - or should - know that pushing messages at the consumer doesn’t work. Product explanation, how-to, technical videos helps the consumer feel connected to the company, the brand because they allow person to share information, ideas, rather than being advertised to/pitched/sold. Monitoring the consumer’s feedback/inputs on the videos and the information presented is all part of the changing social media environment.
Explaining the whats, whys, hows of the company’s products and strategy/direction - and listening to inputs - should be your first small step in social media engagements. It’s only a small step forward but it’s a start in build reputation equity.
Herding cats and the social media community have a lot in common. Ride slow, watch/listen to the herd, be ready for the unexpected. It’s a tough, long, rewarding trip.
But at the end of trail, you get a warm bath, good food and a few hours to rest before there’s another herd to round up.
Article Source : http://www.brightsideofnews.com/news/2010/7/5/social-media-marketing-the-challenge-of-herding-cats.aspx
Sunday, July 4, 2010
USA - The recession's not over till its over
Separately, U.S. home prices rose in April from a month earlier, according to the S&P Case-Shiller home-price indexes, boosted by the expiration of the federal first-time home-buyer tax credit. They had fallen for six straight months before the most-recent increase.
The Conference Board, a private research group, said its index of consumer confidence for June dropped to 52.9 compared with the 62.7 seen in May, a figure that was revised down from a previously reported 63.3. The current month's reading was far below economists' expectations for 62.5, according to a survey conducted by Dow Jones Newswires.
The present situation index, a gauge of consumers' assessment of current economic conditions, fell to 25.5 from a 29.8 the prior month. May's result was previously reported as 30.2.
Meanwhile, consumer expectations for the state of economic activity over the next six months plunged to 71.2 from 84.6 in May, previously reported as 85.3.
The drop in the expectations index more than halved the steep 22.4 point-gain it had seen in the three months since February, an increase that had put it to its highest level since an 89.2 reading in August 2007, just before the last recession began.
"Increasing uncertainty and apprehension about the future state of the economy and labor market, no doubt a result of the recent slowdown in job growth, are the primary reasons for the sharp reversal in confidence," said Lynn Franco, director of the Conference Board Consumer Research Center. "Until the pace of job growth picks up, consumer confidence is not likely to pick up."
The June survey was conducted after the release at the beginning of the month of May payrolls data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics that showed a far-lower-than-expected rate of jobs growth in the private sector.
This was reflected in an increase in the percentage of respondents who think jobs are "hard to get" to 44.8% from an upwardly revised 43.9% in May. Meanwhile, those who think jobs are "plentiful" continued to fall, dropping to 4.3% from 4.6% in May.
Expectations about labor markets in the future also deteriorated. The percentage of consumers expecting more jobs in the months ahead dropped from 20.2% in May to 16.0% in June, below even its April reading of 17.7%. The proportion expecting fewer jobs rose to 11.4% from 10.6% last month.
April Home Prices Jump
Home prices rebounded some last summer, following stock-market gains, after dropping off sharply for several years. But they began sliding month to month again in the fall. The expiration of the first-time home-buyer tax credit has drained some of the housing market's demand the past two months, and mounting concern over European finances and May's "flash crash" have prompted skepticism about the economy.
Housing analysts have recently grown gloomier about the outlook for home prices as sales slump, with a survey released last week by MacroMarkets LLC finding that 56% of 106 economists and analysts surveyed expecting home prices to decline this year, up from 40% a month ago.
The Case-Shiller 10-city index climbed 0.7% compared with March, while the 20-city index rose 0.8%. The indexes "do show some improvement with higher annual increases than in March's report," said David M. Blitzer, chairman of S&P's index committee, though he noted that "many of the gains are modest and somewhat concentrated in California."
The indexes showed prices in 10 major metropolitan areas jumped 4.6% in April from a year earlier, while the index for 20 major metropolitan areas increased 3.8% year over year. On that basis, San Francisco saw the biggest jump in prices, rising 18%, with San Diego up 12% and Minneapolis rising 9.5%. The biggest decliner remained Las Vegas, which dropped 8.5%.
Month-to-month gainers were headlined by Washington, D.C., which rose 2.4%. Only two of the 20 major metropolitan areas, Miami and New York, saw month-to-month declines.
Article Source : http://www.meattradenewsdaily.co.uk/news/070710/usa___the_recessions_not_over_till_its_over.aspx
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Latest trends in Blogging for 2010
Although most of the online business owners have their own website they still don’t know how to use the right way to extract maximum possible results through a blog. Therefore you should first know your target audience and your goal oriented approach for your business and the benefits would start flowing by the creation of a blog. The technical content must press for higher burden for which you can create search engine friendly blogs.
The other most important and latest aspect associated with blogging is analysis of right network traffic. This means that you should have the knowledge or information about the incoming traffic such as its location, where do they come from and also their behavior would help the overall success of your blog.
In case you are serious in making money by blogging about different strategies then you should try and focus on the latest or hot topics that can generate huge traffic to your blog. This is one of the most common and probably the latest method to sell ad space on your own blog. So, if you own a blog that is known online and benefits from high quality web traffic then online advertising would surely create wonders. According to the experts in blogging, the new bloggers should stress more on dedicated blogging and should be focused on their topic of interest. This means that you can select a specific area of business but don’t generalize about the issue this is because people who are really interested in your services or product should also get to your website to purchase them.
However the email marketing potential bloggers should be very careful as there is name and the prospects of email being done through this method. The blogs serve several other purposes which make it easier for visitors to register or visit your website through RSS feeds. Moreover today, blogs serves as a multifunctional platform for users and web pages which have the potential to take you business to higher level.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
What’s hot and what’s not in SEO trends in the year 2010?
Site Speed
Site speed is considered to be one of the latest trends used in new SEO rankings for 2010 year. Search engines aim at helping the viewers in searching required data as quickly as possible. Site speed determines how quickly the site loads.
Mobile rankings
Search engine Google has come up with a new trend in SEO through mobile search services. Google mobile search services are linked up with three features, search by voice, by location, and search by sight. Voice search is linked with voice recognition services, location search is connected with Google maps and sight search is associated with Google Goggles. Search by sight through Google Goggles is like an image search appliance that enables users to search for any object or business through an image, instead of text.
Online video
Previous year was dominated by a search engine namely YouTube and this year too its dominance is continued. Videos are used to increase business site rankings through SEO.
Social media marketing
Social media marketing has definitely been one of the biggest SEO contributors around the year 2010 and remains to gear up for more. Availing links from any social media websites whether blogs, micro blogs, forums, content, daily status, or anything, as long as it is SEO friendly it is effective. Gaining on-page links, from communities and others has been in profits. Businesses performed social marketing on social networking sites like Orkut, Facebook, Twitter, Wordpress, Tagged, Linked-In, MySpace, and others.
Back Links
Back links generated from low PR sites proved to be effective this year. Back links directly points out at directory submissions, link exchange, link farms and others.
Some others
Some other minor yet imperative trends used in SEO in the year 2010 include page load time, domain age, bounce rate, and others. SEO market is developing on a fast track. Expecting something new is natural! Using old SEO strategies won’t be that effective this year. In the year 2010 it is time to be smarter by way of new SEO trends.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Content Writing Guidelines
When it comes to Content Writing firstly you need to differentiate between writing for Web and for Print Media. Here are some useful tips in favor of writing for the Web.
Basic Format
For any type of article or website content you write, it is essential to take care of the basic format, layout, structure of paragraphs, sub headings, points, font style and size, start-and-end, and everything. Scattered content with mix-match fonts and styles will definitely make the reader switch over to some other page. Readers’ online like to jump from words to lines, from lines to paragraphs and further to pages. They like to read everything in short and remember things. Your content will be followed and reviewed thoroughly by readers only if it is Attractive, Informative, Effective, Eye-Catchy, Easy to Understand, Complete, and Educative. Words you write in articles must be able to attract the readers and drive them to take some action.
Website Content Writing includes writing for different websites in the form of Articles, Descriptions, SEO Content, PR, Reviews, General Articles, Blogs, Titles & Descriptions, Promotional Articles, Technical Articles, Creative Writing, and others. The style and basics of writing for each type of article or content differs. Some specifications are definitely given by the client so as to write content as per their requirements. Following are some basic points that will definitely improve the quality of any type of content you write.
Effective Content Writing- Easy Tips
• While writing any content you need to take care about basic format and the layout.
• Secondly dividing entire article into equal paragraphs will make it appear good, simple, readable, and eye catchy. For Example: If you are writing an article for 100 words, it can be written in a single paragraph, if for 500 words it can be in 5 paragraphs and so on.
• You need to give sub headings and points if asked. Headings and subheadings can be utilized as metadata. These attract all readers quickly!
• The start and end of any article should be attractive, whereas inner content needs to be informative so as to educate all readers.
• Writing content considering the target audience or ‘The Reader’ will make it meaningful. There is no point in writing any content that fails to attract readers. You need to always suggest some ideas and inform the readers about anything you write. For Example: Forcing them to do something, purchase a particular product, or applying for any loan policy through your articles is not a good practice. You should always give suggestions and try to convince readers, through your content about why a particular service is good to select.
• Keeping the content short and simple will always attract more number of readers. Keeping the content short doesn’t mean, eating-up vital information. Your content should be short, simple to understand as well as complete from all aspects.
• Content is to be written by focusing on the kind of reader or clients. As per the age, sex, place of living, personal interest, likes, and dislikes, and what actually the reader thinks, entire content is to be written. In short content is to be customer oriented.
• Writing active content definitely helps a lot in attracting readers. Active content simply means include fresh ideas, facts, true information, suggestion, latest facts and figures in creative & informative ways. Every sentence that you add in your content should lead to some solution that reader is looking out for.
• Content should include all major keywords that may attract readers. The frequency of use of keywords is generally mentioned in specifications for every content project. Keywords play an essential role with SEO services for tracking back millions of customers towards your websites. People definitely search through Search Engines by entering some keywords. If it’s matching any keywords present in your content, readers will definitely be tracked towards the website.
• Include short sentences, paragraphs, summaries, and facts of anything that you write.
• It is essential to keep the interest of readers positive. This can be done by asking questions in articles and suggesting some ideas or answers to support them.
• At the end you need to thoroughly go through the content once, twice, and edit it for any mistakes. Self-checking the content will increase its quality for sure.
What A Content Writer Should Do?
Researching the data available online to gain self knowledge will help the content writer a lot in generating accurate content. Writer should always understand what exactly the customer needs and add-up creativity in content so as to light-up interest in the minds of readers. If writer is doing well to avoid repetition and generate real quality content with command over grammar, no doubt the piece of writing will be unique and striking.
• Research
Research a lot to get to some interesting facts about what you need to write about. Compare all stuff and data researched and jot them down in your language.
• Knowledge
Increase self knowledge in order to proceed ahead in professional Content Writing accurately and effectively. If you are talented, like to refer to news all the time, keep a track of what’s hot and what’s not around in market, it will definitely help you to generate unique and latest content.
• Understand What Customer Needs
While writing content for any given topic you need to keep a direct track of what actually is required by readers. Writing anything that is off-the-track from customers’ needs is wastage of time and efforts. Simply understand the needs of customers and write content accordingly.
• Add Creativity
Simple looking content with no catchy words will disinterest readers for sure. For any type of content you write on any given topic for any website, you need to add some sort of creativity to magnetize readers. Simply add creativity with accuracy in the content and generate perfect articles.
• Command Over Grammar
What if you are successful in writing informative content through your articles but there are more grammatical mistakes? Such content is of no use at all! Content needs to be away from grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Readers will definitely search for something else if your content is not grammatically correct. Then it’s simply no use of being informative.
• Avoid Repetition
Just like grammatical mistakes, Content Writer must avoid repetition of information in the articles or content on any topic for any website. Just imagine yourself as a reader and you are reading a content, small paragraph online while searching any service. What if you find out 1 or 2 sentences repeated all over again in different styles in entire paragraph? You will find it boring and with lack of useful information! Same is the case with all online readers for whom you are writing the content.
• Generate Interest In The Minds Of Readers
Content Writer has got the best chance to generate interest in the minds of readers with set of words put together in contents. This is possible only if entire content and articles are precise with fresh information and a mix of creativeness. Keyword enriched articles with a taste of originality will do the trick.
Some Words To Avoid
At times Content Writers consider Web Content Writing as an easy job, but it isn’t. Writing content for self might be simple but writing it for million others, is definitely a big task. Content Writing is not just filling out pages with some words and increasing the word count. You need to impress all readers with whatever you write. First impression is definitely the last impression.
Extensive use of Buffer Words will increase the quantity of content for sure but not the Quality. Content Writers can be Professional Writers if they practice to write any type of content or articles with least Buffer Words. It doesn’t mean that you need not include a single buffer word in your articles. It simply means writers need to make minimum use of such words.
Following are some of the Buffer Words that can be used as minimum as possible in any content.
This That The Those These There Their Then Also
Many Most Much More Very When Where Whose What
They Might Some Will Still Them
NOTE: No doubt, such words are to be used wherever they are required the most, else sentences will look incomplete, meaningless.
Content Writing is one of the best carrier options today, but you need to be a master to succeed in writing on any topic.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Celebrations with Colors Of Life- Rang Panchami
Omisys IT Solutions has earned itself a reputation in market by offering top class services to customers. Professional work environment is maintained by the team to handle any given work. Keeping in mind all tasks and deadlines, festivals too are celebrated here with equal enthusiasm.
5th March 2010 was a day to remember for all employees. Festival Of Colors, ‘Rang Panchami’ was the call.
“Holi Hai!” “Happy Rang Panchami To All!” Were the words uttered by everyone at Omisys IT Solutions, when Rang Panchami, one of the greatest Festivals Of India was celebrated on 5th March 2010.
The joy and laughter, act of being silly, being a kid again, & playing some tricks were a part of carnival. Rang Panchami is celebrated to thank GOD for creating such beautiful Colors Of Life!! This Festival Of Colors, partied during office hours was a surprise for all. It began with packs of red, blue, green, yellow and orange, ‘Gulal’.
Hugs and greetings to everyone were followed by some sweets. What a gala time everyone had!
Truly a refreshing festivity to light up the energy! Half an hour of fun & the team was back to work again.